Hum Records is your expert and partner for music on wax that ranges from Hip-Hop and R’n’B to Disco,
Funk, Jazz and Soul. Wheter it’s the latest club tunes, brand new promo copies, mainstream, underground
or experimental Hip-Hop, we got it all. Additionally we are carrying a fine selection of Disco twelves,
Funk, Soul and Jazz rarities as well as reissues so that both DJs and record diggers can easily get satisfied.
Plus we have a huge backstock of out of print and rare Hip-Hop records, as well as a choice selection of
T-Shirts and Hoodies, Books and Mags, Mix CDs, DVDs, cartridges, portable turntables, slipmats, vinyl toys
and Hip-Hop accessoires. Don’t be asking us for any CD releases, vinyl rules – yes, we are that old school! –
but for any other request or to simply dig through some records, don’t hesitate to hit us up or
come by our store. Holla…
Hum Records Store Address
Hum Records
Ankerstrasse 11
CH-8004 Zürich
Phone: +41 (0)43 322 02 04
How to find us:
Tram Nr. 2 or 3 to "Bezirksgebäude". There turn into "Ankerstrasse" - the movie theater "Plaza" is right there in the corner. After about 100 meters you find'll us on your right hand side.