Out Of The Cloud is some sort of full circle for me. It’s a disclosure from the last EP when we moved from the housenext to the junkyard and a fabric that made coffins (from the period I wrote Jane’s Junkyard.) We moved to a village at the border of the Veluwe (Wenum-Wiesel.) I grew up in a
similar village near the dunes at the other side of the country, so returning to nature has become a returning point to truly
realize where I come from.
In 2013, my girlfriend and me owned a cat that ran away from our house next to the junkyard and never got back. After
her disappearing we picked up a brother and sister cat from our local animal shelter that we called Sketch (named after the numerous brown, black and red dots and stripes on her back.) and Storm (as he’s completely black with a couple of white spots, looking like thunder.) These are the cats that are featured on the album cover. The week before we would move to our cabin in the woods, our cat Sketch got injured.
She crawled under a barbed wire fence and receiving a serious injury. During her recovery we moved and nearly escaped from our villain landlord that destroyed our mailbox and stole our mail that was in it. It was a dark period that can be found on Jane’s Junkyard.
This mini-album, being an anchor point for a new timeframe, started on the yard where we live now. The place is like an island in a forest with a few other people living on it. It has been an old rural farm, with plenty of space to grow our own vegetables and find eggs. We enjoy the company of two gooses, a horse, a total of 7 cats, 2 guard dogs and a
crazy amount of chickens walking over the place. Out Of The Cloud is the transition between leaving all the bad things
behind and moving on. Finally in nature again, finding peace, tranquility and balance in our lives. The isolation confronted me a lot for who I am. This mini-album is a metaphor for escaping and leaving super dense urban areas and enjoying
and accepting the great wide open.