Personal Rec. next strike - again by DJ Buzz, well known as 1/3 of Austrian Hip-Hop/Funk/Electronic-Combo Waxolutionists and mastermind of the Supercity Soundsystem. The Waxolutionists Band with Rappers Deph Joe & Manuva and Musicians like the Twin Towas etc.. “From Wallstreet to Dockside” is the final 7” of 3 limited Seven-Inches from DJ Buzz on Personal Rec. All shows the two faces of this heavy beat producer from Vienna. Sunny A-Side and a dark B-Side. “Wallstreet” rolls down the lane more uptempo funky with some nice horns on top. While “The Mill” & “Dockside” is a more dark & heavy beatscience until “Knocking Off” marking the end of the 7”-Series with a big and friendly Sorry! This personal release comes again in special sleeve design / www.personal-rec.com / www.waxos.com / www.myspace.com/buzzbundy |